Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blogging Beginnings

I think everybody and their brother has a blog these days...except my brother, which is one of the reasons I feel compelled to begin this. The other, slightly more compelling reason, is that I want to share, record, and process this journey I am beginning at The Master's Seminary. Six weeks into a three year program and my mind is already stuffed with new thoughts waiting to be sorted. My hope is that anyone who is interested will be able to follow along as I attempt to turn the truths I learn in class into personal understanding.
Perhaps, there is no more compelling reason for me to do this than to in some way express the wonder I feel at studying the Word of God, the Bible, each day. As I begin to see the uniqueness of the God of the Bible among all the Universe, my mind is starting to spin without a spot to stash this collection of thoughts. It would be my great delight if God and His ways as recorded in the Bible would be made plainer to me and to others who might read a post here and there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well some brothers don't have 4-day weekends and semester breaks to sit around blogging about themselves.
-Anonymous brother