Monday, March 16, 2009

Hebrew Vocab

I have not looked at my Hebrew vocab cards since my last Hebrew exam a month ago, but I am reviewing them tonight.
I have a Hebrew exam tomorrow.
The last Hebrew exam took place right after I got back from a trip to NY, so I was studying vocab while on my parents couch watching America's Funniest Home Videos with them. As I look over these cards that have sat constrained within their rubber bands for the last month, it's not just their meanings that are coming into my mind, but also memories of that night. I have not thought of that night since I got back to California (not meant as a slight to the quality of the time there, just an indication of the rigors of seminary life), but as soon as those Hebrew letters on the little white cards came into view, it felt like that night was last night.
Maybe that's a good way to make memories stick - carry around a stack of Hebrew vocab cards every where you go not looking at them until the times you really want to the night before an exam.

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